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Thank you for taking the time to find more about our organization which is a home to many adddressing issues needed for the development of our environment. Be a part of our vision!

We live in a society where all eyes are on the Government of Kenya and its partners. More particularly, everyone is looking to the Government of the day to bring to pass the promises of good life as enshrined in the 2010 Constitution of Kenya. One of the greatest challenges we have borne out since 2013 when VWB-Kenya was duly registered as a not-for-profit organization is to put your hand up to invite people to assist the less priviledged members of our society in the capacity of volunteers. The concept of volunteering supplements the Government’s efforts at both national and local levels in an effort to achieve stipulated goals and objectives. 


Working towards building resilience in communities through enhancing accessibility and participation of all people in our initiative as a key strategy for attaining the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We believe in harnessing the local potentials towards addressing needs in the immediate environment through volunteerism as an act of giving back to society.


To build community resilience to poverty, ignorance, disease and exploitation through skills development and capacity building on alternative livelihoods.


Building local communities at grassroot levels and branching out globally leads to sustainable development of cultures, ethics and values


VWB-Kenya works with and through local communities to diagnose and suggest innovative solutions to challenges in the affected areas. The approach is meant to enhance local ownership of the projects and for easier exit by the organization after the project period. Our projects are being implemented in the following Counties:

  • Mombasa
  • Nairobi
  • Siaya


  • Effective Teamwork
  • Transformational Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Inclusiveness
  • Equity


Besides the international programmes VWB-Kenya also embraces the local communities with its Volunteers in Service to Kenya initiative (VIST-K). It creates opportunities for local volunteers to participate in the ongoing activities of the organization. The goal of the programme is to enhance capacities of the local volunteers through giving them hands-on experience in the areas of food security, health, education and research for sustainable development.


As we engage in activities to realise our established goals, VWB-Kenya encourages community participation embracing sustainable approaches with a goal to have communities have a sense of ownership of ongoing projects.


We take pride in our work. In so doing we blend in with communities and get to part of their story.


We work hard and also get to have quality time away with the team or in team building sponsored getaways

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